Information Needed
General Information
- Name and type of organization 501(c)(3) nonprofit, municipal shelter, spay/neuter group, etc.)
- EIN #
- Mailing and Physical Address
- URL for Online Presence (website, Facebook, Twitter, etc. – whatever is applicable)
- Contact information for up to 3 members of your organization (one MUST be your organization’s ED or equivalent)
- Municipality name(s) if you hold animal control or shelter contracts with local government
Capacity Information
- Approximate number of foster homes (if applicable)
- Number of dogs and cats that can be housed in your physical shelter space and foster homes
Organizational Information
- Number of employees and volunteers
- Mission statement, goals & programs
- Type of Rescue work – Checklist of rescue activities (rescues dogs, rescues cats, TNR, etc.)
- Type of Spay/Neuter work – for shelter and owned animals
- Number of annual adoptions for dogs and cats
- Number of spay/neuter surgeries for dogs and cats
- Information on any other lifesaving program (brief description)
Required Attachments
For Private Organizations
- IRS Determination Letter – This document should show your EIN# and effective date of exemption.
- Financial Information – Form 990. Please include the entire document, not just the first page. The only groups that do not need to attach this are those that are too new to have a 990 yet. *Note: this is not the same as a W-9.
- DBA Documents – If your organization is operating under a name that is different than the organization name listed on your IRS determination letter, we will need a copy of your “doing business as” license, also known as assumed business name license or fictitious business name license.
- License or Permit – If your state requires a license or permit to house or rescue animals, we will need a copy of this license.
Quarterly data reporting is a requirement for continued participation in all the promotions and events offered by Dr. Donna’s Pet Foundation. Submit your quarterly intake, outcome and spay/neuter statistics to drdonna@drdonnaspetfoundation.org.